My Résumé (Curriculum Vitae)
Tahir Albakaa, Ph.D.
Research and Teaching Interests:
Modern Palestine
Middle East History and Politics
Arabic language and culture
Academic Appointments:
Visiting Scholar, USA
Part-time Lecturer at Bridgewater State University January 2022.
Lecturer Middle East History, Suffolk University (2008- 2016).
Visiting Scholar, Suffolk University (2006-2007)
Visiting Scholar, Harvard Graduate School of Education (2005-2006)
Part-time Lecturer at Bridgewater State University January 2022
Lecturer Arabic Language Bridgewater stat College, Bridgewater MA, (2010- 2017).
President, Al-Mustansiriya University, Iraq’s second-largest university, with 37,000 students at that time, Baghdad (2003)
Chair, Academic Promotion Committee, Al-Mustansiriya University (1996 – 2003)
Chair, Department of History, College of Arts, Al-Mustansiriya University (1994)
Thesis Supervisor, M.A. & Ph.D. candidates Al-Mustansiriya University (1992- 2003)
Lecturer, Undergraduate courses, Ancient through Modern Middle East History, Al-Mustansiriya University (1983-2003)
Political Appointments
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research under Iraqi Interim Government led by Dr. Ayad Alawi, Baghdad IRAQ (2004-2005)
Member of Iraqi National Assembly (2005)
Member of Iraqi Constitution Writing Committee (2005)
Ph.D., Modern Iranian History 1941-1951, Baghdad University College of Arts (1990)
Master of History, Modern Palestinian History. Baghdad University College of Arts (1983)
Bachelor of History. Baghdad University College of Education (1975)
Professional Memberships
Federation of Arab Historians
Iraq Historians and Archaeologists Association
The Federation of Iraqi Writers and Men of Letters
Publications, Research, Television & Radio Interviews
The Contemporary Yemeni Crisis, Roots and Repercussions, Baghdad 2021.
Iraqi Brains in Unsteady Environment: My Thoughts on Reforming and Developing Higher Education in Iraq, Baghdad 2006.
Positions in Secret Documents: Iraqi Public Opinion and the 1956 Suez Crisis, [an account of documents found the Iraqi Secret Police, Ministry of the Interior], self-published, 1500 copies, Baghdad, 2006
The Permanent Iraqi Constitution, self-published, 1500 copies, Baghdad, 2005
The National Election of the Iraqi Assembly , self-published, 1500 copies, Baghdad, 2005
Internal [political] Developments in Iran, 1941-1951, Dar al-Hikma [House of Wisdom], Baghdad, 2002.
The Project to Divide Palestine, from Lord Bell to Oslo II: 1937 –1995, Ministry of Culture, Baghdad, 2001.
Published research:
“Sectarianism in Iraq: Religious or Political?”, [Arabic] 2006.
“Fighting Terrorism in Iraq Is a One-Way Ticket,”, [English and Arabic] 2006.
“Iraq Between Unity and Division: Federalizing Iraq Is a Two-Edged Sword,”, [Arabic] 2006.
“Democratizing and Federalizing Iraq, Planting Followed by Harvest,”, [Arabic] 2006.
“Higher Education in an Unstable Environment: Shock makes Iraqi Society Forget to Face Brain-Drain,”, [Arabic] 2005.
“You Cannot Give What You Do Not Have,”, [Arabic] 2005.
“Women in the New Iraqi Constitution: Facts and Hopes
”, [Arabic] 2005.
“The Judaization of Palestine in British Colonial Plans,” Programs of the Jerusalem Congress, organized by Arab Historians’ Union and the University of Tikrit, 2002.
“The Iranian Governments during the Crisis of 1941-45—an Historical Study,” The Journal of Historical and Archaeological Studies, Iraqi Historians Union, tenth issue, Baghdad, 2002.
“The Common Situations in Iran. 1835-1848,” Journal of Historical and Archaeological Studies, Iraqi Historians Union, issue No. 21, 2002.
“A Reading about the Iranian Attitude about expecting an American Invasion of Iraq,” Journal of Historical and Archaeological Studies, issues 22and 23, 2002.
“A Historical Perspective of Globalization and Appropriate Attitude Towards it,” Journal of Historical and Archaeological Studies, issues 12 and 13, 2002.
“The British Proposals to divide Palestine, 1936-37. Between the Demographic Situation and the Israeli Demands,” Journal of Historical and Archaeological Studies, issue 10, 2001.
“The Interior Development in Iran through the Second year of the Rule of Mossadeq 1952-53 in the Iraqi Diplomatic Documentary,” Journal of Historical and Archaeological Studies, Baghdad, issue No. 4, 2001.
“A Partial History of Parliamentary Life in Iran from the Constitutional Resolution to the Collapse of Shah Reza—Events and Lessons.” Journal of Teachers College, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Issue No. 26, 2001.
“Colonial Introductions of the Palestinian Issue until 1920,” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Issue No. 1, 2001.
“The London Convention and the White Book, 1939—A British Maneuver to Acquire the Time,” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Issue No. 2, 2001.
“Palestine. From the World War First to the 1936 Revolution,” Journal of Teachers College, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue No. 27, 2001.
“The Palestinian Issue after the World War Second 1945-47,” Journal of Historical and Archaeological Studies, issue 5, 2001.
“The Role of the United Nations of States in Establishing Israel 1947,” Journal of Historical and Archaeological Studies, issue 6, 2001.
‘Dr. Mohammed Mosdiq and Some of his Prominent Political Attitudes in Iran until the end of the World War II,” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Issue No. 8, 2001.
“The United Nations and the Palestinian Issue. 1947,” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Issue No. 29, 2001.
“The Effect of World War II on the Collapse of Shah Reza Pahlevi, 1939-41--A Documentary Historical Study,” Journal of Historical and Archaeological Studies, issue 7, 2001.
“The Road to Oslo: The Political Resolutions of the Temporary Agreement for the Palestinian Issue after Camp David, 1979-95.” Journal of International Studies, Baghdad, Issue 12, 2001.
“The Uprising at al-Aqsa Mosque in 2000--The Reasons and the Results,” The Journal of the Arab Future, Baghdad, Issue No. 20, 2001.
“The Arab Summit: The Situation, Reality, and the Proper Attitude,” Journal of the Arab Future, Baghdad, issue: No. 3, 2001.
“Reference of Negotiation and Negotiation without Reference,” Journal of the Arab Future, Baghdad, issue: No. 5, 2001.
“Jerusalem--From the Plans of Division to the Uprising at al-Aqsa Mosque, 2000,” Arabic Papers, Baghdad, issue No. 34, January 2000.
“The Arab Nation and the Challenges of the 21st century,” The Journal of Studies and Researches of the Arab Nation, Baghdad, issues Nos. 8 and 9, 2000.
“The Interior Improvements in Qatar through the First Decade of its Independence, 1971-81,” Journal of Studies and Research of the Arab Nation, Baghdad, issues Nos. 8 and 9, 2000.
“The Exacerbation of the Food Problem in Iran, 1941-45,” Journal of Teachers College, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue No. 21, 2000.
“The Political and Economic Developments in Iran Through the time of General Zahidi’s Rule, 1953-1955,” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Issue No. 1, 2000.
“The Effect of War and Occupation--Its Exacerbation of Problems in the Transportation Sector, and Inflation in Iran, 1941-45,” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue No.2, 2000.
“The Problem of Palestinian Refugees and Efforts to find a Political Solution,” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue No.3, 2000.
“Iran in the Shadow of First Term of the Tyrannical Kadjar Dynasty, 1796-1834,” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue No. 4, 2000.
“The Deterioration of the Iranian Economy, 1946-51: A Documentary Study.” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Issue No. 5, 2000.
“The Iranian Council in its 15th Term, 1947-49. A Historical and documentary Study,” Journal of Teachers College, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue No. 24, 2000.
“The Developing Situation in Iranian Azerbaijan, 1941-46,” Journal of Teachers College, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue No. 23, 2000.
“Political Foreign Affairs of Qatar with Arab Countries and the Superpowers,” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, No. 5, 2000.
“The Attempts of Dr. Arthur Melespo to Improve the Iranian Economy--A Documentary Study,” Journal of Historical and Archaeological Studies, Baghdad, issue No. 1, 2000.
“The Palestinian Issue 1948-1979. The Ignorance of Reasons and Influential Events,” Journal of Historical and Archaeological Studies, Baghdad, issue No. 1, 2000.
“The 16th Parliamentary Cycle. The Example of Wars of the Wills in Iran. From July 1949 to April 1951,” Journal of Historical and Archaeological Studies, Baghdad, issue No. 1, 2000.
“The Azerbaijanis and Their Role in the Constitutional Revolution, 1905- 11, Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue No. 1, 1999.
“Circumstances and Events in Iranian Kurdistan, 1941-51,” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue No 2., 1999.
“The Association of the Fedayyin of Islam (Islamic Martyrs) and its Effect on the Nationalization of Iranian Oil,” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, No. 3, 1999.
“Focus on Historical Politics and Oil Contracts in Iran, 1933-51,” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue No. 4, 1999.
“The Role of Jerusalem in Plans for the Partition of Palestine,” Journal of al-Mawrid, Ministry of Culture, Baghdad, Volume 27, issue 4, 1999.
“Ethnic Diversity and its Effects on the Region: The Iranian Example,” Journal of Strategic Studies, Baghdad University, Issue No.5, 1998.
“Some Features of the Iranian Constitutional Revolution as Reflected in Iraqi Documents,” Journal of Teachers College, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue No. 5, 1996.
“Oil Politics During the Presidency of Abdul Rahman Arif, 1966-68,” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue No. 2, 1995.
“Pages from the Political History for Oil Contracts in Iran, 1901-1933,” Journal of the Arab Historian, General Union of Arab Historians, Baghdad, issue No. 47 1994.
“The New Middle East and the Future Horizons,” Program of the Round Table [for professors of History and Political Science from Arab countries], Nasir University, Tripoli, Libya, 1995.
“Internal Events of Iran in the First Year of Mossadek’s Authority, 1952-51, as Reflected in Iraqi Diplomatic Documents,” Journal of the Arabic Historian, General Union of Arab Historians, Baghdad issue: No. 48, 1994.
“Mohammed Bakir Alshibibi: His Opinions and Positions in the Iraqi Parliament, 1925-38,” Journal of the College of Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue No. 5, 1994.
“The American Administration and the Palestinian Issue, 1945-67,” Journal of Literature, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue: No. 14, 1986.
“The Iraqi/Iranian Relationships as Reflected in Two Iraqi Newspapers, The Arab World and The Independent, 1920-32,” Journal of Literature, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, issue: No. 14, 1986.
*Before 2003 Iraqi censors did not permit use of certain words for publication, and changed title and contents. Titles here use the original words from manuscripts, not those imposed by censors.
Other Research, unpublished:
The Al-Sader Movement: It’s beginning and it’s Stand between Doctrine and Politics, Hudson Institute 2006
Radio and Television Interviews:
Participated in discussions, presented talks, and gave interviews on
innumerable occasions. Appeared on the following TV channels and radio
stations among others: Al-Arabiya, Alhurra, Alfayha, Alsharqiya, BBC, Canadian
TV, CNBC-Arabia, Dubai TV, Kurdistan TV, Iraqi local TV, Iraqi satellite station,
LBC satellite, Radio Sawa.